Author Archives: Willie

Price of THHN Copper Building Wire By The Foot

Are you looking for the price of THHN Copper Building Wire by the foot?

If so, Wire & Cable To Go recently lowered all the prices on the THHN wires we supply!

Wire & Cable To Go offers THHN Building Wire in sizes 500 MCM THHN – 14awg THHN.

To view a list of these THHN prices please click here.

We cut THHN to the exact foot length you need besides sizes 10awg-14awg which are offered in larger spools only.  We also offer THHN in several different colors giving our customers different options to choose from.

All our THHN is THWN dual rated which means its approved for use in wet & dry locations.

We ship all orders the same day as long as we receive the order before 3pm cst. and most of our customers are happy to receive their wire on their doorstep within 1-3 business days.

If you are looking for THHN for your next job and have certain questions please feel free to give us a call at 855-880-8010.

Thanks for stopping by!

Your pal,

Flexible Welding Cable for Sub Amplifier Installation

Welding Cable

Our good friend out in Wisconsin, Tom, sent in this picture of a recent sub amp installation he did for a client’s car.

Tom purchased our 1/0 Welding Cable Class K and 1/0 Welding Cable Class M which allowed him to power up this 56 inch Digital Designs; S2b Amp (for Mids & Highs) which is  nestled under the seat.

Tom is as passionate as it comes when it comes to car audio installations and prefers using our welding cable whenever he has the opportunity.

Thanks for the photo, Tom!

Wire & Cable To Go offers two typs of Welding Cable – Class K & Class M.

Class K is our standard flexible welding cable offered in black in red. Class M is our ultra-flexible welding cable offered in an orange  durable jacket.

Please click here to learn more about all our Welding Cable in stock!

Thanks for stopping by!

Your pal,

What Size Wire For 50 Amp Service From Main Panel?


Many of our customers here at Wire & Cable Your Way are looking for electrical wire to service their new backyard woodshop, like this one shown above.

Our customer Steve, a skilled project engineer sent in these pics from a home project he recently completed. Steve needed to run 50 amp service from his main panel in his home to a 100 amp breaker box (shown below) in his new shop.  Steve purchased our 6 AWG THHN/THWN Copper Building Wire for his project.

100 amp breaker box

Here is what Steve had to say:

“I put in a 100A box in the new shop, but am only feeding it from a 50A breaker in the main panel from the house service. My loads will be significantly less than that to run various tools individually, as well as a compressor and vacuum.  I  needed to run about 95’ of 6awg  240V 50A service from my house panel out to a new woodshop, and being able to get 100’ 6 AWG THHN/THWN spools at a good price from you worked out well!”

Steve buried the 6 AWG THHN copper stranded wire inside a conduit which can be seen below:


We greatly appreciate the photos, Steve, and glad everything worked out for you!

Please click here to view our 6 AWG THHN Building Wire page.

We cut 6 gauge THHN by the foot and offer it in several different colors at a great price!

If you have any questions please feel free to give us a call at 855-880-8010 or send an email through our support page.

Thanks for stopping by!

Your Pal,

Type W Power Cable & SOOW Portable Cords For Submersible Pumps

Type W

Sending a big thanks to a very kind & talented shop manager in Tennessee named Kirk.  Kirk sent in a few photos of a a Type W Power Cord and an SOOW Cable he used for a submersible pump installation.

The picture above shows a 4/0 4 Conductor Type W Portable Power Cable spread apart inside the cap of a Cornell 150 HP pump, which is used at a waste-water lagoon.  As you can see from the photo, all four conductors were separated apart for this submersible pump installation.  Kirk says they epoxy fill the junction box to eliminate leaks.

In the picture below, you can see the smaller 16/4 SOOW Portable Cord which is also used on this Hydromatic 60 HP.  This submersible pump is used for water waste as well.

16/5 SOOW

Kirk also left us a kind note saying, “Everything has been delivered in great shape and in a very timely manner. I will be doing business with you again in the future!”

Thanks, Kirk.  We are glad we can help and we appreciate you sending in the photos!

Click here to learn more about Type W Portable Power Cords.

Click here to learn more about SOOW Portable Cords.

We cut both cords to the exact foot you need at no extra charge and can ship them out the same day.

To view our full website – click here

Thanks for stopping by!

Your pal,


What is SEOOW Portable Cord – 600V?

Many customer browsing our store here at Wire & Cable To Go stumble upon our SEOOW portable Cord and ask us the difference between this cord & our SOOW Portable cord.

The main difference is in the construction of the cord’s jacket.

SEOOW- 600v  stands for:

S – Service
E – Thermoplastic Elastomer
OO – Oil Resistant Insulation & Oil Resistant Jacket
W – Water & Weather Resistance

The Thermosplastic Elastomer jacket is what sets this SEOOW apart from the SOOW portable cord.  This thermoplastic contains chemical resistance characteristics of PVC & flexible properties of rubber.  In more general terms the SEOOW is a high-quality flexible cord engineered with plastic characteristics and rubber jacketed material compared to an SOOW which is only made up of a rubber jacket.

The SEOOW is also more resistant to water than SOOW and has a higher temperature range of –50ºC to 105ºC.

Below are more standards on the SEOOW Portable Cord:

UL Flexible Cord – UL Standard 62
CSA Flexible Cord – C22.2-49
NEC Article 501.140 Class I Div. 2
NEC Article 400
Federal Spec JC580
Passes CSA FT2 Flame Test
MSHA Approved
EPA 40 CFR, Part 26, Subject C, heavy metals per Table 1, TCLP method

SEOOW cords are durable, flexible & abrasion resistant.

If you would like to view our entire SEOOW Portable Cord selection please click here.

We also carry SJEOOW Portable Cords which is rated for 300v applications – please click here to view category.

Thanks for stopping by!

Your pal,







10/3 & 10/4 SOOW Portable Cords for Pond Fountains


We just got these photos in from our customer Janice who runs a popular fountain business down in Florida.  Janice purchases our 10/3 & 10/4 SOOW Portable Cords for floating fountains her company installs in ponds.

Here is what Janice had to say:

“The SOOW Portable Cords run from the fountain in the water to the pond shore.  Then the cables are run through in-ground conduit to a fountain control panel and connected to the panel to supply power to the fountain.”

“The 10/4 SOOW Portable Cord supplies the power to the fountain motor/pump assembly and the 10/3 SOOW Portable Cord supplies the power to the fountain lights.”


Janice says once in awhile they run into trouble with some “locals” like the one below!


Thanks for sending in the photos Janice!

If you would like to learn more about SOOW Portable Cords please click here.

Wire & Cable To Go cuts all our SOOW Portable Cords by the foot and can ship them out the same day as long as the order is placed before 3pm cst.

Feel free to give us a call at 855-880-8010 if you have any questions.

Thanks for stopping by!

Your pal,


Supplying Over 5,500 Wire & Cable Customers Since 2011

All of us here at, Wire & Cable To Go, are extremely proud of our company’s growth since our inception in October 2011.

We recently surpassed over 5,500 customers which is a big accomplishment for us and we would not be able to do it without the loyalty and support from all of you!

It’s a great joy working with our customers day in and day out, learning about their needs, and how our service makes it easier on their demanding jobs and challenging home improvement projects.

From do-it-yourself homeowners, to small & large businesses across the USA, Wire & Cable To Go wants to say “Thank You!”

If you ever have any questions, needs, or feedback please let us know – we are here for you!

Have a wonderful day!


Welding Cable For 750 Watt Solar System

Solar Panel - Welding Cable

Wire & Cable To Go would like to give a big thanks to, Michael, a great customer in Arizona who purchased several different sizes of welding cable for a 750 Watt Solar System he designed.

Here is what Michael had to say about his solar panel.

“It cost me $3,000.00 for my 750 watt system at one half the cost.  A friend of mine bought a 1500 watt system 7 years ago and paid $14,000.00 for it and he installed it.   If you can build your own system you can save a lot of money.  When I build my house I will build a 1500 to 3000 watt system using the same components.   A stranger stopped by my place a couple days ago and saw my system and want me to build him one just like it. I plan on buying all my wire from you if and when that happens.”

The sizes of welding cable Michael purchased for the solar system & inverters were our 4/0 Welding Class K2 AWG Welding Cable Class K & 6 AWG Welding Cable Class K – all in both red & black.

Michael loved how we were able to cut the welding cable to the exact length he needed for the job as he did not want left over cable that would have gone to waste.

We greatly appreciate the pictures Michael and hope to hear from you soon!


Please click here to learn more about our welding cables we have in stock available by the foot.

Thanks for stopping by!

Your pal,

Belden 8467 Equal – 18 Gauge 7 Conductor Communication & Control Cable


Does your job require an 18 gauge 7 conductor unshielded communication & control cable?

If so, Wire & Cable To Go has this type of cable (shown above) and may other communication & control cables in stock!

These low voltage UL listed cables come in a gray jacket with fully annealed stranded tinned copper. We have several different types of shielded and unshielded low voltage cables available in 500′ of 1000′ spools.

Our low voltage communication & control cables are also considered “belden equivalents” as they are made to the same exact belden cable specs but are more affordable than belden cables.

For example, the 18 gauge 7 conductor cable shown above is a Belden 8467 equivalent made by General Cable,  a well respected wire & cable manufacturer based in America.

Please click here to view our entire Low Voltage Communication Cable – Belden Equals category

The feedback we receive on our belden equivalents are tremendous as it saves our customers lots of money on excellent quality wire & cable.

If you don’t see them item you need please give us a call 855-880-8010 or send us an email through our contact page.

Thanks for stopping by!

Your pal,

SOOW & SJOOW Extension Cords by the Foot

Are you making your own sets of extension cords and need multiple cuts of SOOW & SJOOW portable cord?

If so, let Wire & Cable To Go save you time & energy by making as many cuts by the foot as you need!

Instead of purchasing a large spool of portable cord you can have us do all the cutting at no extra charge.  Our calibrated cutting machinery gives us the opportunity to cut the cords to the exact length you need.  Whether its 10ft multiple cuts of 14/3 SJOOW or maybe  25 ft cuts 10/3 SOOW we are more than happy to make multiple cuts on any of our portable cords and ship them right out to your doorstep!

We makes the cuts usually within one day and our customers often receive their wire & cable between 1-3 business days.

Please give us a call at 855-880-8010 if you have any questions.

Thanks for stopping by.

Your pal,